Archive for December, 2012

Dear God

As the end of the year approaches, I can’t help but look back in amazement and gratefulness as to where you have brought me.

I used to just go through the motions of Christmas; sure I am always grateful for Jesus’ birth and it’s not about the presents or the tree or the sales, but this year it is a very different feeling for me.

I thank You for wonderful friends who have stuck around despite the distance, the ones I know I can always count on, and also for new friendships forged in this year as I discover my way through young-adulthood.

I thank You for the job You have given me – the ability to earn an income, the opportunities that arose and the favour that You have so poured out. Please help me to be a good steward, and help me to never forget that it was Your blessing.

I thank You that I am home and I realised even with all its dramas, this is really where my heart is. Thank You also for seeing me through my transition back into church and for giving me the opportunity to serve in different ways – different as in variety and also in newness of skillsets being used. Help me to always remember the service is not about myself but to honour You and Your people whom You love so dearly. I am reminded about the Christmas message – everyone is a pearl. Help me to love unconditionally in my ministry like You do.

Most of all I thank You for bringing sweet meaning to my pain. There were quite a few hiccups along the way, yet there were also few special opportunities to use the pain for something good. I remember Gen 50:20 and keep it close. There are no words to explain or describe, but I thank You for where I am now.

I pray that 2013 will be one of new encounters, new adventures and new milestones, and that Your hand will guide me in every season of my life.
