Archive for August, 2011

Dedicated to Clara Ka Yin Lai :)

Last week I had a catch up with Clara, my first mentee. I am so blessed to see that she has come quite far in life, and in her walk with Christ..she has been through a fair share of ups and downs, and she’s now a working professional! By God’s miraculous provision, no doubt. She’s really matured and settled into working life well and sold out for God, even in her workplace. It’s very refreshing to see that she has blossomed into this beautiful lady, strong in her determination to be part of God’s plan.

It was a bit sad because by the end of the night we were not mentor-mentee anymore as she has moved to the working group and is being mentored by someone in her group. Sad only because Clara sort of symbolised my step into JG-ship and mentoring. I’m very glad though, that the almost 4 years have made us good friends in the process and we can be open and honest with each other 

Dear Clara, I pray that you will love God with all your heart, mind and soul and serve Him for your generation. May you be used in mighty ways to fulfil His purposes, for His glory! AMEN!

Loves you ,
