Archive for January, 2014

Ode to 2013

It came across my mind just the other day to return to the blogging world, and what better time to start than 1st January 2014! Everyone’s been posting on instagram about their highlight moments in 2013 or their hopes for the new year…

But I thought I’d just say what I’m thankful for that happened in 2013 (not in any order):

1. I’ve travelled to more places last year than I’ve ever done in all my 26 years combined – new spots covered were China, Macau, HK, Cambodia and Bangkok, all different but amazing experiences. Discovered that despite all the planning required, I thrive on traveling and discovering new places.

2. Visited not one, but three(!) orphanages and left bits of my heart at all three in Cambodia

3. Opening up my social circle and making new longlasting friendships – the types where we could grow old and gossip over tea together. Bonus: Unintentionally matchmaking one of those friends 🙂

4. Becoming bridesmaid to a bff, and organising and diy decorating reception of said friend. Bridesmaid bucketlist struck off! And double blessing of having that opportunity again this year (was asked before the clock struck 12 so still counts as 2013 blessing) 🙂

5. How could I forget, getting my own white stallion of a car! My biggest investment thus far, and also one I’m very proud of. Enjoying it very much!

6. Getting confirmed in the workplace and getting a stable income every month (instead of variable income depending on how many days off I take) and also not forgetting 42 days of leave each work year! Woot!!

7. Getting a case officer for my PR and at the same timeframe getting called for Brunei citizenship test (which I havent yet heard the results of – but apparently it’s a good thing!)

The best thing about 2013 was being able to testify that ‘Life is good’. Indeed life is good. Here’s to a ‘gooder’ 2014 which personally I think will be much more exciting; I can feel it! 🙂
