Archive for February, 2010


something a friend posted on her FB status..

Go to, type in your first name, copy and paste this as your status, and put the first entry for your name as a comment.

So I typed Cassandra:

1) to be the most amazing thing anyone has ever seen. “you are so cassandra, I love you

2) The prophetess Cassandra (kuh-san-drah), also known as Alexandra, was a Trojan princess. The daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy, she was also reknowned as the second most beautiful woman in the world at the time, Helen being the foremost. She made many correct prophecies, such as the downfall of Troy because of Paris’ abduction of Helen, but she was never believed and her visions were disregarded and ignored.

3) The cutest, kindest, most perfect girl in the entire world. “Cassandra or Cassie is the bestestestestestest person in the world

4) The name derives from Greek Heritage. The name Cassandra has 2 meanings, one of unbelieveable truth or Deciever of men. Cassandra was a beautiful Greek Prophetess who Zeus fell in love with. She did not love him. Zeus then cast a spell on whomever she foretold fate too. People did not believe her although she spoke truth due to the spell Zeus had cast. Therefore the doublesided name was coined. “Listen to WTF Cassandra says, she knows what she’s talking about. She’s no 2bagger


1. Seductress of man/Entangler of men
2. Queen of intercourse
3. Doomsayer/Nay-sayer
4. Prophetess
5. Shines upon man

According to myth, Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. It was said she was very beautiful, comparable to the likes of Aphrodite and Helen. The god, Apollo, fell in love with her, and in return for sexual favors he promised her the gift of prophecy. Cassandra refused him, and he gave her the gift anyway, but being pretty pissed about being rejected, Apollo cursed it. From then on Cassandra could see the future, but would never be believed. She predicted Paris would be the ruin of Troy, Hector’s death at the hands of Achilles, the fall of Troy via the Greeks hiding in the infamous horse, and her own death being hacked to death with an ax by Agamemnon’s wife, Clytemnestra. People laughed, called her crazy, but it all went down exactly as she said.

These days when someone is called a “Cassandra” it means they make wild accusations about the future, that most people think are unbelievable even though they might be pretty realistic.

1. “How does that girl rake in all those guys?”
“She’s a Cassandra.”

2. “Wow, you’re good.”
“I’m Cassandra, what can I say?”

3. “We can’t make 100 copies of this book in half an hour!”
“Don’t be such a Cassandra.”

4. “Didn’t I tell you that would happen?”
“Oh yeah, you’re a real Cassandra.”

5. “That lamp is just like Cassandra.”

6) HOWEVER, Modern day Cassandras serve a larger purpose than those of earlier days. Modern day Cassandras happen to be a strong force of their own. They are strong-minded, and strong willed. They do speak the truth, often to the dislike of other people (though in most cases, they are right. The truth tends to hurt.) Cassandras usually have a unique look to them. They are not mistaken for another person, and look-alikes are hard to come by because of their distinguishable and beautiful differences. Cassandras also tend to be peace-makers, but, if they are tested 1 too many times, they will, pardon me, jack you up.

Cassandras are also out of the box personalities. They tend to stand alone with opinions, of course, unless another Cassandra comes around.

“Hey did you see Cassandra? Yea, she is unique in the best way.”

7) The best girl that has two friends sheeva and steffani. and billy 🙂 She is often mistaken as a wordly goddess. “You like that girl?? She must be a real Cassandra.”

My name is a cool word!

some wise words from Autumn’s Concerto..

“The more you trust, the greater the betrayal. The more you love, the greater the harm is.”

As quoted by Vanness, playing ‘Ren Guang Xi’.

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